Saturday, December 21, 2013

Prologue and Chapter One now available (and other news)

Here's Patriots' revised, final Prologue/Chapter One, as promised to a few folks.

The other significant Patriots-related news at the moment is the extraordinary, and rather unaccountable, December explosion in page-views to the book's synopsis.

Why is this 'unaccountable'? Here's a chart of the Twitter feed's growth:

Steady, consistent numbers growth, and what does not show in the chart is the growth in engagement with these folks. Twitter was a good story in 2013, worth a story itself.

But compare that chart with the chart for the synopsis page:

You'll see a bump up starting in August, but in December the page-views jumped dramatically. The December numbers (the month is not yet over, as I write this) constitute more than half the page-views for the entire year.

There's no easy explanation for this. I did nothing unusual this month in terms of steering folks to the synopsis. I'd like to think some folks are finding the book of interest, and are telling others. I'd like to think, at least, that consistent hard work on Twitter has yielded a dividend. But I honestly don't know what's behind this.

From a marketing POV, and from the viewpoint of someone who, frankly, has to derive an income from this work (and other works that will be built from it) the numbers are quite promising. The only way to know for sure what this might mean, of course, is to put 'Patriots' on Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. patriots in Mars?, the main problem is that for innocent people that go at trenches: "National Anthems", "Flag", "Honor"", "Medals", "Veterans", "Patriots", "Heroes", "just to Gof praying and with the mallet striking"...while the causers of those wars: monarchs, politicians and of all religions pontifex in their golden palaces were eating partridges...
